One evening I call my old university friend I hadn’t seen in months for a chat. She asked me if I wanted to go on a road trip to Uluru. Having been before and having felt a level of disrespect just being there, I wasn’t jumping at the idea. I suggested hitch hiking over and expected a resounding no. So when Neishya agreed (having never hitched before) I was committed. 2 months later, having exchanged nothing more than a few texts confirming dates since, I was on the train. With one week leave ahead, I was heading to Mt Victoria with Neishya to begin our trip.

The Gear and Food – What we took and the legend that is the size of Neishya’s bag. What food I would recommend taking and why we did it wrong.

The Lifts – Where, When, Who, How. A brief run down of how we got from A to B.

The Advice – A summary of 10 tips and tricks for a fun trip.

The Photos – Our trip in photos.