Pacific Crest Trail – 4270km hike
I travelled to the US at the start on my sabbatical. I had my final day at work on the Friday, I got my flight over to San Diego on Sunday and starting hiking on the Tuesday.
See here for updates from the trail.
I feel my experiences in the US where very trail specific. Since returning, I often get questions from people visiting the west coast and unless they are planning to hike, I am a pretty useless adviser.
After finishing the trail, I spent a couple of weeks in Vancouver catching up with hikers as they finished and drinking far too much. Finally getting into that hiker bummer spirit before heading down to Seattle again to meet up with more hikers. I crashed at the home of two hiker buddies (for longer than either of us initially expected) and just enjoyed slowly regaining the ability to sit down without groaning. Oh and finally found halloumi in the US… after 5 months of searching.